سایت کاریابی جویا کار

Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice مربوط به درس متون پیشرفته حقوقی

دسته بندي: مقالات
15 دی

Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice

مربوط به درس متون پیشرفته حقوقی

به تعداد 330 صفحه pdf - تماما به زبان اصلی

Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice


Jack Donnelly

1. Th e Concept of Human Rights

2. Th e Universal Declaration Model

3. Economic Rights and Group Rights

4. Equal Concern and Respect

5. A Brief History of Human Rights

6. Th e Relative Universality of Human Rights

7. Universality in a World of Particularities

8. Dignity: Particularistic and Universalistic Conceptions

9. Humanity, Dignity, and Politics in Confucian China

10. Humans and Society in Hindu South Asia

11. International Human Rights Regimes

12. Human Rights and Foreign Policy

13. Human Rights, Democracy, and Development

14. Th e West and Economic and Social Rights

15. Humanitarian Intervention against Genocide

16. Nondiscrimination for All: Th e Case of Sexual Minorities



قيمت فايل:8000 تومان
تعداد صفحات:330
تعداد اسلايدها:330
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